I can see that you’re doing your best. There is no right or wrong way to parent. Allow me to take some of the pressure off by providing you with a few simple strategies you can start implementing today.
Your child is happier, more present, and less anxious about trying new things.
Your children feel more confident in their abilities and decision-making skills.
Your child seeks out opportunities to help others out.
Your child starts to do their chores before you have to ask.
Your children are polite and well-mannered to friends, family, and even people they have just met.
Your relationship with your child is enriched and strengthened.
I'm often told how well-behaved my children are by my family, friends, teachers, neighbours and even strangers. As a result, people are always asking for my parenting tips! So, this is why I've decided to create a guide to navigate some challenging situations.
I am not claiming to be the world’s greatest parent. I have to question myself often to be sure that I'm making the best decisions. It's healthy to show our children that we make mistakes, own them, and make amends. My motto is to lead by example.
I wholeheartedly believe in what you will learn in this strategy guide. I know it works! These lessons can positively impact the life of your
child and your family.
My digital guide includes
10 simple but powerful
parenting strategies
that you can refer back
to numerous times along your
parenting journey.
I believe with context
modifications, these strategies
can be taught at any age.
Maybe it’s a Canadian thing ingrained into my DNA, I am not entirely sure, but manners are important to me, and I think they make a huge difference in our human interactions. Would you rather deal with someone who is well-mannered? or not? It’s really that simple. I will show you how to drill these into your child’s vocabulary, so they use them on autopilot!
We have all told our children we are going to do something such as take them for ice cream, and then, for whatever reason, the day gets away from us, and it doesn’t end up happening. I’ll give you some advice on preventing this and show you the value of saying what you mean and meaning what you say.
Merriam-Webster’s definition of Empowered is “having the knowledge, confidence, means, or ability to do things or make decisions for oneself.” Many adults don’t get to feel empowered regularly if ever, and we need to change this narrative for our children right now.
This section is all about showing your child that their actions have consequences in real-time. There is no better way to learn something than by experiencing it firsthand.
I know I sound 90 saying this, but with all the technology and social media avenues that our children are faced with daily,
having self-confidence and learning not to give weight to outside opinions is essential.
Teaching parents to be more direct with their language. Do you ask your child to do things that you actually need them to do? Let’s stop this habit today! Ain’t nobody got time for that.
This is likely not a new message, children need structure, and they actually thrive when they have structure in their lives. If you currently don’t have routines, let’s make some. If you have some, let's make some more!
Reduce your child’s anxiety and take away the guessing for them, whenever possible.
Your differences with your child's partner, whether you are married, divorced, or it’s complicated do not matter! Your fights are not their fights, so don’t make it their problem.
Everyone feels better after a day of helping others. So let’s make this a regular activity to do with your children. They will learn a lot and feel like a million bucks every time.
“The How Not To Raise An Asshole Strategy Guide is a must-read for any parent. The tips and strategies offer the reader really practical guidance and Lindsay's real-life examples and understanding of how to implement the strategies is totally relatable. This is a really valuable resource to have, to help you in teaching your children some super valuable life skills”
— Laura Dunn
“This parenting guide is amazing! Lindsay does such a good job of keeping things real and practical in this offering. It's so nice to learn from a fellow mom - someone who has struggled with the same things that I struggle with in raising my kids. Lindsay's tone and humour throughout this strategy guide makes such an important topic light and relatable. I honestly think every parent should give this a read as a good reminder of what our main purpose and goals are as parents."
— Katy Miller
"THIS. IS. GOLD. This gave me real advice and guidance on strategies that I already had in the back of my mind, but hadn't been implementing regularly or with a TON of success. I'm so excited to use these strategies to help my kids grow up into successful individuals!!.”
— Hannah Stallings
I stand behind my products and services 100%. If you have a problem, a question, a concern, anything, please reach out to me, and I will make sure you are happy!
© Copyright 2023 Simple Parenting Strategies